
'Round the Fjord | July 11

Tracing the Fjord's Jeff Slakey shares what's going on this week around Hood Canal and South Puget Sound.

This week the City of Shelton begins their Movies in the Park (Emperor's New Groove, July 15 @ 8 PM) and Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce hosts the Expo & Bite of Mason County Street Fair, July 15 from 11 AM - 6:30 PM on Railroad Ave.

The big event this week is the 40th Annual Allyn Days Salmon Bake and Geoduck Festival this weekend. Saturday is the salmon bake and, sunday, don't miss geoduck dishes prepared by local chefs (including Xinh's Geoduck Wontons) and sign up for the Mud Run or participate in the Oyster Shuck Off Contest.

For details on this and more, pick up a copy of the summer Tracing the Fjord or visit www.tracingthefjord.com.


'Round the Fjord | July 17


Happening 'round the Fjord | July 5