Learning about Stottle Winery in Lacey and Hoodsport, WA.
Talking with the owner of Our Favorite Things, one year into operations.
Grabbing a memory of Hoodsport at Canalside
Lots going on this week! Follow Tracing The Fjord on facebook for more ways to stay up to date.
It was a great season for the Shelton Highclimber football team. Head coach Mark Smith, QB coach Andy Conklin, Booster Club Board member Rod Olsen and Jeff Slakey talk about this season that saw the Climbers make it to the playoffs for the first time in about 10 years.
There is again a lot going on around the Fjord and we really appreciate you starting to send in events and other items of note, you can email jeff@nwevent.org with ideas and events.
From ice skating to sustainable fishbone broths there is a lot going on this weekend!
A lot to share this time and a BIG ANNOUNCEMENT, your group this December can "Fundraze At The Maze," learn more at https://www.christmastownwa.org/be-amazed
It’s Halloween week and we’ve see the change in the weather for sure…Let's talk about all the things moving into this weekend.
Shelton Springs Disc Golf Event, Live music from solo acts to the US Air Force, Farmers Markets and more! It’s a great weekend!
Southside Superintendent Paul Wieneke explains to Jeff Slakey the intricacies of the Southside Levy that is up for a vote in this November election.
What’s happening around the Fjord for the week of October 10
What’s happening around the Fjord this week including OysterFest!
Jeff Slakey stopped into the new North Mason Regional Fire Authority building to talk with Fire Chief Beau Bakken and Abe Gardner about some upcoming resource fairs that NMRFA is doing. They've got plans to travel the area and bring resources to the people in the communities that might not normally get as much attention. The first one is Wednesday, September 28th from 2-4pm at their Collins Lake Fire Hall, Station 27, 60 NE Collins Lake Drive, Tahuya WA.
Lots going on this week plus the announcement of the winners from the North Mason Chamber Gala!
The magazines will be out soon! You can pick one up at a variety of locations, see tracingthefjord.com/locations. If you have any winter story ideas for us, email me, jeff@nwevent.org here are some of the things happening around the area, there are many more listed in the magazine.
The History of the Harstine Island Community Hall with historian Sandy Murphy.
Starting from the Big Creek Campground, follow the Upper Big Creek Loop Trail to Big Creek and the first of several sturdy bridges along the way. After a short climb you’ll reach the Creek Confluence Trail which drops to the confluence of the tumbling Big and North Branch Creeks.
Hidden in a lush narrow ravine and once accessed by a treacherous path, Murhut Falls were long unknown to many in the outside world. But now a well-built trail allows hikers of all ages and abilities to admire this beautiful 130-foot two-tiered waterfall. The trail starts by following an old well-graded logging road. It was past logging in this area that led to the discovery of these falls.
Events 'Round the Fjord | August 29 - September 5
The 4.2 mile Big Creek Loop doesn’t go to a lake, high point, significant landmark or through groves of primeval forest. It just goes around the Big Creek basin crossing that banally named waterway and a handful of its tributaries. This hike is all about the journey—not the destination. The trail winds along forested slopes above Lake Cushman crossing tumbling creeks on a series of beautifully-constructed bridges.
Tracing the Fjord's Jeff Slakey shares what's going on this week around Hood Canal and South Puget Sound. Check out live music, the Beast of Big Creek Trail Run or relax with great food and art at the Water Festival.
Wear a life jacket, understand your surroundings, educate yourself about winds, currents, tides, travel in groups and develop a safety plan.
Tracing the Fjord's Jeff Slakey shares what's going on this week around Hood Canal and South Puget Sound.
This week the City of Shelton begins their Movies in the Park (Emperor's New Groove, July 15 @ 8 PM) and Shelton Mason County Chamber of Commerce hosts the Expo & Bite of Mason County Street Fair, July 15 from 11 AM - 6:30 PM on Railroad Ave.
The big event this week is the 40th Annual Allyn Days Salmon Bake and Geoduck Festival this weekend. Saturday is the salmon bake and, sunday, don't miss geoduck dishes prepared by local chefs (including Xinh's Geoduck Wontons) and sign up for the Mud Run or participate in the Oyster Shuck Off Contest.
For details on this and more, pick up a copy of the summer Tracing the Fjord or visit www.tracingthefjord.com.
As you travel Hwy 101, between Hama Hama’s oyster farm and the Hamma Hamma Falls FS 25, keep your eyes peeled for a new addition at Mike’s Beach Resort – Iliana’s Glamping Village.
We recently met with Cindy Sund at the Sund Rock glamping location to check out this experience and learn a little bit more about her family’s connection to the Canal.
Check out Travelin' Red's "Glam-picnics." Owner, Kerry Myers (Travelin' Red of Hood Canal Events) and her team have cornered the niche market of offering a glamping picnic at one of the luxury Hood Canal properties she manages.
Nature photographer, Geoge Stenberg talks with Jeff about how he got into photography and shares some ofthe tips and tricks he’s discovered along the journey.
There's some new sugar dealers in Shelton and their names are Phillip Jackson and Kayla Cooper. The two recently opened the Shelton Candy Shoppe at 403 W. Railroad in downtown Shelton.