
'Round The Fjord - 8/1-8/7

There is again a lot going on around the Fjord and we really appreciate you starting to send in events and other items of note, you can email jeff@nwevent.org with ideas and events.

Monday Shelton Cinemas as it’s 11am movie. This time it’s Kung-Fu Panda. Hood Canal Adventures has a Lunch in the Wild Kayaking Tour.

Tuesday is National Night Out and there are various activities planned around the area. It started back in 1984 as a community-building campaign between police and citizens.

Thursday you can get into the National Parks for free. The closest to our area is the Olympic National Park but there is also Mt. Rainier and the North Cascades. Timber N Tides run club has another great route around Shelton, starting at Smokin Mo’s. Skookum Rotary’s Music in The Park has Hurts Like Hell starting at 7pm.

Starting Friday through the weekend is Departurefest at the Lake Leland Amphitheater in Quilcine. Departure Festival is proud to support the Chemakum Longhouse project of Jefferson County.

Saturday out in Hoodsport is the farmers market in our Oyster Bank parking lot (the former Columbia Bank) from 10am-5pm. There's also the Chambers Bay Kite Festival near Tacoma.

Other Upcoming Events:

Hugsfest is coming up the weekend of the 11th. Peace Valley Barefoot Festival & The Sweitzer Strong Foundation in collaboration with HUGS 24/7 radio will host Hugsfest 2022.

Hoodstock is coming up on August 20. Get your flag and learn more at hoodstock.org

Pearl Django is back for another fundraiser concert for early childhood music at the barn at the salmon center. This is going to be a babysitter kind of event so plan now for some great jazz, more great food from Xinh and other surprises.

Thanks for following along and all your great comments. Please share this information with everyone you think might benefit and again email jeff@nwevent.org if there are events and ideas you have to share!

'Round The Fjord - 8/8 - 8/14


'Round the Fjord | July 25-31